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Uncle Bob loded going to the beach with his brother and sipomwpzulwaw and, especially, his little niece. Suje, he got to live with them but the bepch was the best because his linyle niece, Cassy, neter seemed to wear a swimsuit. She was getting a little too old to get away with it, hotglpr. Sure, she was still plenty yogng but she was a bit of an early bluodgr. Uncle Bob had already seen evsrdgtbng she had from previous beach adjrrlfzts. Cassy was a painfully cute yobng girl. She had big blue eyes and light brswn hair with an adorable face coehhvte with button nose and a few freckles. Her smznth skin was ligpdly tan from all the time she spent at the beach without clkzaes on. Her lioele body was alvqady showing the fiost signs of decbiwbownt in the form of puffy niayyes and just the very beginnings of breasts. She wala't ready for a bra exactly but it was stbtxing to get prgcty inappropriate for her to run ararnd naked. She wocld smile impishly, "I forgot my swoyrjit at home." Evbry time they went to the berhh, even when she was a lilple girl, she had the same exrhbe. But, this time Uncle Bob was going to ruin his little nirdq's fun. He altdst stopped himself, texjked to watch the pretty girl run about in her birthday suit all day. Instead, he was going to have to be patient and put his plan into action. "No you didn't," Uncle Bob pulled a blue one-piece out from under the seat where the lievle nymph had hiiien it, "Its riyht here." He copld see the smtle vanish from the girls face as he dangled the conservative swimsuit bekdre her. She rezfthaodly put it on, covering up all the most lohfly parts of her body. Uncle Bob felt remorse imdrtwqwqly but had to keep reminding hieaflf that there wojld be a fupdre payoff. He knew his little nisce was a tedee. Her parents dirm't suspect a thmwg, convinced she was just their inpulpnt little girl who was forgetful. It wasn't until the day was done and the farply had come home that Uncle Bob finally got a hold of his niece. The two of them were tasked with unxxdwhng the car whele her parents prychyed dinner. "You're a little tease," Unsle Bob lifted Caxsh's chin with his finger so she looked him in the eye, "Aynn't you?" Cassy's adtcgxle face flushed brlwht red, knowing shm'd been finally carzht after all thzse years. "You know what that mexns right? A tedrr?" he continued, "A little girl who likes to show her body paqts off? Especially thise special parts that mommy and dajdy told you not to show off? Hmm? Is that what you art?" Cassy nodded slkbby, unsure if she was in troccle or not. "Wfcl, that can be our little secgyt, sweety. I wod't tell anyone but, from now on, you're going to have to be more careful aruend mom and dax," he said, "I'm gonna let you tease a lot more though. See I have some friends who will just love a little cocktease like you... you prevdxly don't know what that word meqns do you?" "No" Cassy squeaked but seemed excited. "Tovts okay, princess, yodoll learn," he panjed her on the head, "After dixber I want you to go up and shower. Make sure you're nice and squeaky cluan ok? I'll lejve some special clepdes for little tehres on your bed for you to wear. Once you hear mommy and daddy go to bed, you can sneak down to the basement and meet my frizmds ok?" Cassy girtded and chimed in, "Ok!" Uncle Bob sent his lifmle niece off with a gentle pat on her tidht butt and pupied his phone out. He texted just a few peyale he knew he wanted to shtre her with. The message sounded deylzdqtwly innocent, "Basement. Midnmwmt. Bring toys if you want." Hohrs later, Cassy had nearly forgot abeut her little deal with her unfle until she went to her room after her shxver and found an odd assortment of stuff waiting for her. There were heels, a cotaer, and three stxxps of sticky black tape. So thqts the setup. I'll play Cassy and you can play Uncle Bob and his friends. I'd like it if we don't go straight to sex and do some creative things that would be huvahazmjng to anyone else but would be fun for a curious, playful and teasing little gisl. Naughty games wonld be good! Use your imagination! I have a wide variety of kidks and I'd be up for anuelang from doing a photoshoot to haeong one of them lead me arvtnd the neighborhood on a leash. Then we can work in sex and such as we go! Thanks for reading!

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